Friday, March 30, 2012

32.5 weeks!

He's getting big! and a bit more active, in fact yesterday i was talking to my coworker and my stomach jumped and she was like "um...thats weird and bit disturbing." it is. And last night at the evil, satanic, doctors he kept moving away from the heart monitor. I think he was purposely trying to annoying them, good boy :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Third trimester Sarah" is a scary, scary person

I had my first real encounter with extreme pregnancy hormones yesterday. The only words I have to describe the hours of 6-11pm are miserable, angry, unstable and mad. Very very mad. So I have been going to my doctors since I found out I was pregnant and you go every month (well until now, I go every two weeks yippee. vom). From the first appointment, they sucked. Sucked I tell you! I need to vent so please, let me give you the pleasure of telling you why I want to bomb their office.
   1) from the very first visit, they barely aknowledged Keith (he may as well have been a stuffed animal in the corner)
   2) There are 5 of them and I rarely have the same one and when they come in the room I simply get a "hi" no introduction then they proceed to do whatever they need to do without saying a word and at the end as they are walking out go "oh, do you have any questions?"  Um I guess not! and even if I did I'd have to chase them down the hall! Which, by the way, I did on one appointment. I just needed to know if I was in the clear to highlight my hair but I couldnt even get that simple question in because she left so fast!
   3) They never told me I needed to schedule my glucose appt in the morning OR that I couldnt eat before. Luckily my friend told me all this because she actually had these same drs and they did the same thing to her (no, i didnt realize she had them and they sucked until after I was already 4-5 appointments in) and she actually failed her glucose test bc of it. She's still plotting her revenge. She even switched hospitals completely for her current pregnancy.
  4) Never informed me to bring a DVD to the ultrasound. Again I learned this from a friend.
   5) Oh, never even gave me a script for my ultrasound until I had to go back and ask for it.
   6) The last few visits the dr will measure my stomach and not say a word and get ready to leave until last time im like "so he on target as far as growth?? What position is he in??" And then she told me. I only knew to ask these things bc again, I have a friend who is due the same day I am so I get ALL my information from her. I told her she should just be my doctor.

ok so this all led up to my mental breakdown last night. I went to my SCHEDULED doctors appt at 6:15 and the office was CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering why the cleaning man was asking me 20 questions as I walked into the office. (i was looking at him like "shut up you creep" I briskly waddled out after I realized I was the creep). If you've seen the show Friends, I was much like when Phoebe was playing that arcade pacman game and lost I felt like it was a  slow motion meltdown, screaming profanities and shaking my head back and forth. 

So anyway, I was terrifying. I went home and stuffed my face with beef stroganof, tator tots and italian ice. 

I will end this post by saying, I want "third trimester sarah" to leave. She's scary. BUT in her defense, those doctor's probably deserve to have "third trimester sarah"  ruin their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hey there blog!

So I took Friday off which means I forgot to post my belly pic. Wait... Is anyone out there actually reading this? I've gotten texts from friends like "love the blog!" but yet I only get comments from a few people so I kinda feel like I'm just blabbering to cyber space. Eh, oh well, I will continue to blabber whether I get comments or not! ok back to the belly pic: (32 weeks this week!)

The reason I took Friday off was because my mom, sister-in-law and her mom came to town so we could go to this baby sale that comes around twice a year. My friend told me about it and said she got some really great stuff for super cheap so we waddled ourselves on down! (yes, my sister in law is also pregnant and due in July! They're having a girl which means my mom is sharting with excitement). So we shopped till we dropped and below are pictures of Keith playing with all the toys. 
That mound of crap on our table is the unnecessary amount of clothes my mom and I bought.
Oh and here is a close up of keith singing along to the toy. My special boy.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Simple Things

The weather is AMAZING. It's March 21 and it's 80 degrees and sunny! I walked (well, more like waddled at this point) down to the coffee shop on my lunch break and the streets are lined with these gorgeous trees. I don't know what they are since I can't tell the difference between a rose and lilly (ok not really but you get my point) and they smell like crap but so beautiful.
This tree wasn't the only simple thing that made me smile today. When I was waddling back to the office a woman with a very thick European accent stopped me and said "that dress! your figure! I could just paint you, you're gorgeous!" She made my day considering I feel like an ever expanding blimp so moral of the story....compliments are free people, give them!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday bleck

For St. Paddys day we went over to our friends house and grilled out, played beer pong, watched basketball etc. It was an intense beer pong tournament that ended in the winner receiving this gem of a prize:
 (I believe it plugs into your car outlet so now you understand their enthusiasm) 

Even Penny partied her little toosh off:

Friday, March 16, 2012

The party's here on the west side

So it's Friday which means belly pic day! (31 weeks on monday/tuesday/whatever):
Not only is it belly pic day but it's also "bring your Penny to work day" here she is hard at work:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Random encounter

So my office is on the first floor of a residential high rise which also happens to be somewhat of a retirement home. There are are a few families and some young people mixed in but I'd say 90% of the tenants are over the age of 75. My day usually starts by reading death notices in the mail room and the sound of ambulance sirens.  Quite sad. Anyway, there is a huge open lobby where a lot of the old timers will sit and just watch people come in and out....I think this is the highlight of their day which maybe they enjoy but there MUST be other things that are more fun at 80 right? I keep promising myself I'll do fun things like poo dollar people or race my motorized cart when I'm that age. Who says the party stops at 80!? Well there is a sweet little lady (and by little i mean she's seriously like 4' 2") who sits there everyday and says hi and will split out a random sentence at you if you make eye contact (if in a hurry look away from lil lady). This was our conversation today:

Mini tiny lady:  Hi
Me: Oh hi how are you?
Mini tiny lady: I'll be 100 next year.
Me: WHAT?! (I may have startled her by this response but jesus, 100!?!?!)
Mini tiny lady: mmm hmm, 100 years old. Can you believe it?
Me: No way, you don't look a day over....(i stumbled for a hot minute) 80!
Mini tiny lady: My you're tall....

OK then.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

At first I wasn't sure how I felt about having a screened in porch but after my nice yoga/workout sesh last night, I've changed my mind! So peaceful being surrounded by woods....

Monday, March 12, 2012

weekend randomness

This is what happens when my husband goes grocery shopping:
He tries to blame this on me by saying "but you love sweets right now!" Good try Keith. (as I roll my eyes but secretly celebrate inside)
so remember when I said in my first post that this is where I will talk about my pregnancy as if I was the only person to ever be pregnant? Well, that also means I'll post baby clothes as if you've never seen anything cuter because I happen to think they're ridiculously adorbs. My friend Colleen bought this for Juan and I squeal everytime I look at it I mean an argyle onsie!??!?!?!? EEEEE! :


Friday, March 9, 2012

I don't think you're ready for this jelly

I'm going to try and post a belly pic every friday. So this was last night (ill be 30 weeks on monday):

Thats what i look like but this is how I feel:

Also, my coworker bartends on Thursday nights right next to my favorite cupcake place (which I will have at my shower) and they often drop off the left overs which means I reap the benefits on Friday morning!  I'm also going tomorrow with my friend who also happens to be due on May 22 (this friend actually introduced these cupcakes to me, steph you've changed my life) so lets see how many cupcakes Sarah can eat in 2 days. ready, set, fat!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

amazing things I've stumbled upon today

you must read this. I'm pretty sure in a week we'll read about how this girl disappeared and then her dismembered body was found.

Most of you have probably already heard about or seen this video about Joseph Kony but I felt the need to share. The fact that this has gone on for so long is just unimaginable to me.

Remnants of breath right strips or domestic violence?

I have an awful cold. And i basically can't take anything since I'm pregnant so thanks to facebook i got a few suggestions, one being Breath Right Strips. I was desperate to sleep so I made keith go get me some and I woke up this morning with this:
I hope youre enjoying my chapped nose too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My job.

Adopting parents. I would say 85% of them absolutely go bat shit crazy during the adoption process. This might sound harsh and don't get me wrong, I completely understand how this process brings out raw emotions but STEP OFF THE CRAZY TRAIN PEOPLE.  ( And maybe 85% is a little high, it's probably like 84%) What these people go through is emotionally draining and I'm in no way disregarding how hard it may be at times BUT please don't call me yelling and screaming because your doctor is a douche nozzle and is taking his sweet time giving you an updated license, k? Good lord, my schizophrenic, transgendered clients weren't nearly this irrational. They start off like this: 

and about 3 months into the process they turn into this:

I was dreading telling them I was going on maternity leave but surprisingly, they all were very nice and wished me well (as they tap into my water line at night and infiltrate it with cyanide).

Monday, March 5, 2012

More baby stuff!

This is the outfit my grandma knitted for Juan when he leaves the hospital. WOAH CUTE.
 Below are pics of the nursery so far (still need more wall decorations). Heath, that pic on the dresser is the sailor boy you got us! We just put up the decal this past weekend and I was skeptical because I've never used them before but I love it! I had also originally thought I wanted white furniture but Keith convinved me otherwise and Im glad he did. He said Juan will be happy to have darker furniture when he's older. I'll save the white furniture if we ever have a girl! The first pic is the corner that our recliner/rocker will be going in.

update on Oscar (Tuna)

Just a quick update. We sent Tuna to kitty heaven on Friday night. It was by far the hardest thing I've ever done. Keith and I held him and he went to sleep, I'm relieved that he is no longer suffering but I miss him so much.  I keep expecting to see him sitting in the kitchen when I wake up and I just can't pull myself to close the door to the basement since that was his domain. He was the best.

And this is where I will talk all about my pregnancy (yay for you)

I definitely didn't want to be someone who posts preggo pictures every 2 days on facebook or complained about it as if I'm the ONLY person on earth to ever be pregnant soooooo....I think I'll do that here instead. Again, my logic is that you can choose to log on here to specifically see what have to say. I justify it by saying "you asked for it!" Anywho, I'm now in my 29th week. HOLLER AT YOUR THIRD TRIMESTER! 

This pic is from a few days ago. here is where I'll make myself feel better by telling you I just ate a huge pasta meal and a dessert big enough for a family. But really, I'm just getting huge. I only have a little over two months left and I can't wait! I've had a pretty easy pregnancy so far so I can't complain but come on, can stomach really stretch anymore?? (i know the answer is yes but I'm going to pretend its no). For those of you who don't know, we call baby boy Wander "juan" because we aren't deciding on a name until we meet him. I'm starting to become convinced (and terrified) that Juan might stick forever since it's just become so natural to refer to him as Juan. 

Friday, March 2, 2012


One of the hardest things in the world

Back in October, I noticed my cat was breathing a little weird so I took him to the vet. They told me he had an enlarged heart and fluid in his lungs (cardiomyopathy). They said I could take him to get an ultrasound with the cardiologist to see what they could do about it even though it's not curable. Well, since I'm not made of money, I couldn't do the ultrasound but I took him to the cardiologist to see what she thought. . WIthout the ultrasound, we couldnt tell exactly what kind of cardiomyopathy he had (there are two kinds I guess) so she said she was fairly confident which kind it was and put him on meds she thought would help. So anyway, he did a total 180 and was doing great! I know I sound like a crazy cat lady and most people reading this would think "its a cat, whatever" but a little background on Oscar (aka Tuna):
  • I got him my sophomore year in college. A little girl was carrying him around the store by his neck and i swear he was looking at me saying "please help me" So...I did. I bought him. he was the only kitten in the store and he was awesome
  • He moved with me a total of 12 times in the past 9 years. He's a total trooper.
  • He's just awesome. A gentle giant with this soft, wise spirit. He knows when I'm sad and plays hide and seek with me when we're happy.
  • He greets me at the door and tells me all about his day.
  • He;s not the type who will crawl onto your lap but he'll come into the room when we have people over and sit where he can see everyone. He just likes to know whats going on.
  • He once drank a whole bottle of wine in college. It's a weird story.
  • He partied like Keith Richards in college too and even lived with 7 others girls which makes him even more of a rockstar.
  • I swear he thinks he's my boyfriend but once my husband came into the picture, it was like he knew it was okay to back off. He no longer stands over my husband at night with his ears back glaring into his soul.
  • He beat diabetes and went from 25 lbs to 15. Sorry Tuna, I think it was my fault you were so huge. damn studio apartments....
  • ok i could go on and on but I wont
Back to the point of this post. The last few weeks I noticed he started breathing weird again and his sides have sunken in alittle. He's getting skinnier. Yesterday I talked to my husband about what we should do and we both thought he may need to be put down in the next week or so. Well, this morning Keith came upstairs and said "im really worried about oscar" I lost it and just started balling. I know its time and this weekend we will have to take him in. This is the hardest thing. I don't want to rob him of life if he's not ready to go but i also dont want him to suffer and I know he is only going to get worse. I always said I wish he would just pack his bags and leave a note that said he went to kitty heaven if he was ready to go BUT turns out that doesnt happen. So, thats what I will be doing this weekend. I love you tuna.

Why I created a blog....

So I read other blogs and always think "wow these people have a lot to say, I dont think I could ever have a blog because I have nothing to say" well, after gchatting my days away with one of my best friends, turns out, I do have things to say! Or maybe just "vent." There are so many times when I want to just rant on facebook but I don't think itss fair to put my facebook "friends" through that. Instead, I will do it here where you have the option of reading my rants!