This has been a pretty crazy whirlwind of a year. I got a new job (almost a year ago), we bought a house and I found out I was pregnant. I think this means I'm a grown up. No, no I'm not. I refuse. But anyway, I have learned some things that I thought I would rant about.
1) Dont buy a house just because you think you should or because you found one down the street that's cheap. (which is also probably in the ghetto and surrounded by police cars 18 of the 24 hours of the day. I say this because I have a "friend" who constantly talks about how she should buy this house down the street because "its just so cheap!" no shit...thats because its in the most crime ridden neighborhood in the city and I'm pretty sure it's where Snoop Dog's posse vacations. "yeah but its SOOOOO nice inside, you should see it" nah, Im cool with the burbs thanks though). For about a year, we had been casually looking on zillow at houses and even looked in person at some places in the neighborhood we had been living. Eventually we saw one online that seemed perfect so we went and saw it and immediately knew it was it.
Lesson: take your time, do you research, price things out and LOCATION is so important. Some people buy starter homes which is great but I couldn't imagine moving in another 5-8 years so if you're fortunate to find something you COULD live in for at least 10 years, I think that's key. I mean moving is the worst right???
2) From now on, if I'm going to a baby shower, I'm buying them something from their registry. In the past, I would always just buy cute clothes I found or useless things that I thought were adorable but after registering myself, I realize that we actually NEED the things on the registry! Not to sound ungrateful because all gifts will be greatly appreciated but there is a reason for a registry and even though opening a pack of bottles or a diaper geenie is not nearly as fun as opening teeny weensy little clothes, it's needed!
3) Pregnancy is amazing, weird, scary and exciting all at the same time. According to my "What to Expect" book, this week is when the amniotic fluid has maxed out which means it's mostly just baby in there now and it certainly feels like it! I can actually see limbs pressing against my stomach and rolling around which is so strange but also very cool. Last night Keith was watching my stomach and Juan (please refer to previous post. No, not really his name!) stuck an elbow or knee out so far that Keith yelped in shocked. "HOLY SHIT! Doesnt that hurt??" Then he said he got teared up because he felt like he was actually interacting with his baby boy. Aw cute :)
I've had a really easy pregnancy so far and have felt pretty good but I as I stated in a previous post, the hormones are kinda scary sometimes. The picture below is me on Saturday morning hiding from "scary third trimester Sarah." I woke up in a TERRIBLE mood and was so tired I went back to bed (after eating the largest bowl of cheerios known to man)
4) When you live in the suburbs, and your door bell rings, there really isn't any escaping the fact that you're about to purchase mass amounts of cookie dough or girl scout cookies. Just go with it...
5) I still don't understand blood pressure numbers and as many times as I've googled it, I dont think I will ever remember. The dr will tell me and I will nod and say ok as if I have any idea what she's talking about.
Thats all for now. If I have anything else earth shattering new to share, I'll be back!